Нове место
Pizza Modrá zahrada
Vinohradska 29
Praha 2
Pizzeria Castello
Vaclavske namesti 20
Praha 1
Pizzeria Modrá zahrada
Narodni 37
Praha 1
Vinohradska 29
Praha 2
Vaclavske namesti 20
Praha 1
Narodni 37
Praha 1
Thanks for excellent service and your professionality. I am deeply impressed that everything running without any problems!
kind regards, Ecki
I must say that, so far, this web-based booking system has been very impressive. We have received excellent service which is a great beginning of - what we expect to be a most pleasant visit to a beautiful city.
Well done! Marita Lawson
We spent 4 fantastic days at Prague. The organization by your office was excellent. Thank you very much!
Franz Lutz
DC SERVICE, s.r.o.
Tel: +420 224 816 346