Nové Město (New Town)
Pizza Modrá zahrada
Vinohradska 29
Praha 2
Pizzeria Castello
Vaclavske namesti 20
Praha 1
Pizzeria Modrá zahrada
Narodni 37
Praha 1
Vinohradska 29
Praha 2
Vaclavske namesti 20
Praha 1
Narodni 37
Praha 1
I have never doubted about your recognition and the renomee your Company enjoys. As an ultimate result I ackonwledge your great service and the willingness to refund the difference in the booking fee. Daniel J. Novacek
I just wanted to thank you, because everything with the tickets went very well. We had a great night at the concert. Thank you!!
Beatrice Stiglegger
How learned about DC Service:
z internetu i przyznać muszę ze to bardzo dobra pomoc w organizacji wyjazdu do tego miasta :)
DC SERVICE, s.r.o.
Tel: +420 224 816 346