Kалендарь культуры Прага
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Календарь культурных событий в Праге - вставьте даты от-до :
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I must say that, so far, this web-based booking system has been very impressive. We have received excellent service which is a great beginning of - what we expect to be a most pleasant visit to a beautiful city.
Well done! Marita Lawson
Wir haben letztes Wochenende im Praquehotel verbracht. Es hat alles wunderbar funktioniert. Das Hotel und La Traviata waren Erste Klasse und Prag ist phantastisch.
Vielen Dank für die gute Organisation - viele Grüße - Petra Wicher
Just wanted to say thank you for the good organization. Our accomodation was excellent and we liked Prague a lot. We will recommend your website to others.
Best wishes
Thomas Schönweiß
DC SERVICE, s.r.o.
Tel: +420 224 816 346