Linki partnerskie
Europe - Lithuania
If you take interest to be our NEW partner (in our barter system partner's links) please contact us
If you take interest to be our NEW partner (in our barter system partner's links) please contact us
I have never doubted about your recognition and the renomee your Company enjoys. As an ultimate result I ackonwledge your great service and the willingness to refund the difference in the booking fee. Daniel J. Novacek
We spent 4 fantastic days at Prague. The organization by your office was excellent. Thank you very much!
Franz Lutz
Dobrý deň,
vstupenky už dorazili.
Ešte raz ďakujem za rýchle vybavenie, rád odporučím vaše služby aj ďalším.
Prajem príjemný deň.
Štefan Sléz
DC SERVICE, s.r.o.
Tel: +420 224 816 346